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Parent Survey Summary

Role Of Governors.

Over the next academic year, the Governors will be hosting coffee sessions to talk about their role with parents.

School Presentation.

Senior Leadership will be holding a workshop after half term to help parents understand how we help children at school, when they have a problem or are worried (our Pastoral care).

Allenby Primary School Parent Survey Total Summary

Reception to Year 6 Unit Number of survey's returned: 155 (72% of total parents)

Well Being

  Not Sure Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
1 My child is happy at Allenby 4% 1% 45% 50%
2 My child has friends at school 4% 1% 46% 49%
3 There is a happy atmosphere at school 3% 1% 49% 47%
4 I feel welcome when I come to school  2% 1% 50% 47%
5 Allenby has a good reputation 3% 4% 57% 36%
6 The school buildings are well maintained 2% 3% 58% 37%
7 The school site is sufficiently secure 5% 2% 54% 40%
8 The classrooms are clean, tidy and attractive and provide effective working environment for my child 1% 0% 54% 45%
9 The outdoor environment at Allenby is effective at supporting creativity and learning 1% 1% 50% 48%


  Not Sure Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
10 I am kept well informed about what my child is learning at school 3% 1% 57% 39%
11 My child is making good progress 3% 3% 54% 41%
12 The teaching at Allenby is good 4% 1% 52% 44%
13 Allenby has high expectations for my child 6% 3% 48% 43%
14 Allenby ensures that my child reaches their full potential 3% 4% 53% 40%
15 I understand the homework expectations in my childs year group 1% 3% 63% 32%

Enrichment And Extra Curricular Activites

  Not Sure Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
16 School trips and visits are worthwhile experiences 3% 1% 60% 35%
17 Allenby provides a varied range of enrichment activities and after school clubs 8% 4% 57% 31%

Behaviour And Pastoral Care

  Not Sure Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
18 I think the school's systems of rewarding and praising children are effective 6% 3% 58% 33%
19 I think the school's system's of discipline are effective 12% 2% 54% 32%
20 I am confident that Allenby deals with inapropriate behaviour effectively 7% 4% 52% 37%
21 The schools values and attitudes have a positive effect on my child 6% 2% 57% 35%
22 The school treats my child fairly 2% 3% 58% 37%
23 My child is confident that should they have a problem, there is someone they can go to in school who will listen to them 5% 8% 53% 34%
24 My child enjoys playtimes and lunchtimes 3% 3% 47% 47%
25 I think the school has invested money in improving the environment for children 5% 3% 50% 42%
26 Allenby helps to promote a healthy lifestyle 5% 1% 53% 41%


  Not Sure Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
27 I think members of staff at Allenby are approachable  2% 3% 57% 38%
28 Parent consultation meetings provide me with the information I require about my child's progress and achievement 1% 0% 52% 47%
29 The newsletter provides me with a clear information about school  1% 3% 54% 43%
30 The school website provides me with clear information about school  11% 7% 53% 29%
31 I understand the role of the school Governors 17% 8% 50% 24%
32 I feel that I can approach the school if Ihave a concern 1% 3% 58% 37%
33 the school is led and managed well 1% 5% 53% 41%
34 The school encourages parents and carers to play an active part in school life  4% 1% 595 36%
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